Attention Applicants!
The Delaware State Housing Authority has partnered with AffordableHousing.com to simplify the process of finding affordable rental properties.
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Tenant Qualifications
Participants must enroll (or be enrolled) in the Moving to Work (MTW) program.
Participants pay 30-35% of their income for rent and utilities.
Households whose gross incomes do not exceed 80% of the area median income may qualify for this program.
Working families, elderly (62 or over) and the disabled receive preference.
Applicants who reside in Kent or Sussex County have priority on the waiting list.
A list of units and landlord contact information can be found at https://www.delawarehousingsearch.org or call 1-877-428-8844. A map of DSHA Public Housing Sites can be found here.
Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8)
DSHA offers a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for DSHA-approved private rental residency. This program, offered in Kent and Sussex Counties, offers housing subsidies to eligible low-income individuals and families to rent existing, privately-owned dwelling units from participating landlords. The Delaware State Housing Authority administers 902 vouchers.
To apply for the DSHA wait list, visit our Affordable Housing page here.
Participants must enroll (or be enrolled) in the Moving to Work (MTW) program.
- Participants pay 30-35% of their income for rent and utilities.
- Households whose gross incomes do not exceed 80% of the area median income may qualify for this program.
- Working families, elderly (62 or over) and the disabled receive preference.
- Applicants who reside in Kent or Sussex County have priority on the waiting list.
A list of units and Landlord contact information can be found at https://www.delawarehousingsearch.org or call 1-877-428-8844.
Moving to Work (MTW)
In order to be eligible for Moving To Work, applicants must apply to the DSHA Public Housing and Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Wait List. To apply for the DSHA wait list, visit our Affordable Housing page here.
Applicants for the Public Housing (PH) and Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers programs are placed on a combined waiting list for assistance. Applicants are given the first available subsidy location, which may be a public housing site or in the form of a Housing Choice Voucher for use in the private market. Most residents, with the exception of the elderly and disabled, are eligible to receive subsidies under these programs for a maximum of seven years while they take part in a mandatory self-sufficiency program. The MTW program has two levels, MTW Tier I (the first five years) and MTW Tier II (the final two years).
- Eligible participants of this program are low-income Delawareans who agree to take the necessary steps (education, employment, income, etc.) to become independent of government-assisted housing within seven years.
- Preference in the program is given to applicants who are employed and live or work in Kent and Sussex Counties.
- Participating clients must sign a Contract of Mutual Participation with DSHA. Families will also complete a Resident Action Plan outlining their self-sufficiency goals.
The Contract of Mutual Participation will limit housing assistance for Moving To Work participants to seven years (with the potential for a short term extension for participants who have complied with the contract but need more time).
To provide a real work incentive, rent is capped at a maximum of 35% of a client’s monthly adjusted income or $120, whichever is greater. Clients whose rent exceeds $350 at move in are capped at $350. As the client’s income increases, it is required that the percentage of the additional income, which formerly would have been paid in rent, be placed in a savings account.
During the term of the contract, DSHA will provide case management for program participants, and referrals and access to appropriate services.
While receiving assistance, the client must comply with the contract. If the client does not, a “strike” will be issued. After the third strike, the client’s financial assistance will be terminated and they must move from their unit (public housing) or pay full rent with no subsidy (housing choice voucher).
When a client reaches the end of the initial five year period (MTW Tier I) if their income has increased to where 40% of their monthly income equals or exceeds the fair market rent for their unit or a private rental unit, and they move into other unsubsidized housing or home ownership, they are eligible to receive the balance of any monies in their savings account.
For residents whose income does not increase to where 40% of their monthly adjusted income equals or exceeds the fair market rent for their unit at the end of year five of the MTW program, and they are in compliance with program requirements, they will continue as MTW Tier II participants for the remaining two years. Participants whose income has increased to where 40% of their monthly income equals or exceeds the fair market rent for their unit, or a private unit they make arrangements to rent, and move into other unsubsidized housing or home ownership, will receive a prorated portion of any monies in their savings account.
At the end of the seven year period, the family will no longer be eligible to receive housing assistance and will be required to either move from their public housing unit or assume the full amount of rent in their housing choice voucher unit.
Participants in their final year of the MTW program (MTW Tier II) that need additional time beyond the seven year period may request a short term, temporary extension through a Hardship Panel.
Project Rental Assistance Program
Accepting applications by referral only.
The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program is a project-based rental assistance program for individuals with extremely low incomes (less than 30% of Area Median Income) and disabilities for which they require long-term services. The Program is operated as a partnership between the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS). A “project-based” rental assistance program means a rental subsidy is paid directly to a designated participating property. Because the property receives this subsidy from DSHA, they are able to charge lower rents to Section 811 program participants.
Only in designated Section 811 properties. In Delaware, designated Section 811 properties are those that have signed a Rental Assistance Contract with DSHA. Properties specify how many rental units they would like to “set aside” for Section 811 residents. Only residents of those rental units in those designated properties will be able to enjoy the benefits of Section 811 assistance.
All referrals are submitted by a DHSS representative on your behalf, please contact your Case Manager.
- U.S. citizens or eligible immigrants;
- Have a household income of 30% Area Median Income (AMI) or less;
- Are not older than 62-years-old;
- Have a disability which qualifies them to receive long-term services from DHSS or a DHSS contracted provider.
For additional information about eligibility requirements and other affordable housing programs, please call (302) 739-4263 or Toll-Free (888) 363-8808.
State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP)
Accepting applications by referral only.
The State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) helps low-income individuals who require affordable housing and supportive services to live safely and independently in the community. SRAP is made possible by annual funding from the Delaware General Assembly. The program uses SRAP vouchers administered by DSHA for households referred by the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF). This population includes: Individuals exiting long-term care facilities and nursing homes; Individuals at risk of being admitted to, or requiring services from a state-supported institution; Young people exiting foster care; and Families for whom the lack of affordable housing is a barrier to reunification. Program participants contribute 28% of their monthly income for rent, and SRAP subsidizes the remaining portion. All units subsidized by SRAP funds will be inspected by DSHA to ensure they meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Quality Standards.
Applications must be referred to DSHA by DHSS or DSCYF.
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant, and a resident of the State of Delaware.
- Be 18 years of age (or within 60 days of 18th birthday) or older.
- Have a household income of 50% State Median Income or less.
- Be eligible for and receive supportive services as a client of DHSS or DSCYF.
To find out whether you may qualify for SRAP assistance as a client of DHSS, please contact your case manager directly, or call the Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-223-9074 for an assessment.
To find out whether you may qualify for SRAP assistance as a client of DSCYF, please contact your case manager directly.
For more information about the partnering agencies involved in SRAP, please visit the following websites:
- DSHA: www.destatehousing.com
- DHSS: dhss.delaware.gov
- DSYCF: kids.delaware.gov
Applications must be referred to DSHA by DHSS or DSCYF.
Referrals are submitted by a DHSS representative on your behalf, please contact your Case Manager.
Do you have questions about these programs? Would you like to suggest an improvement to this Web page? Please contact a DSHA representative.
Housing Management Main Office
Housing Admissions Office (Waitlist)
Other Housing Authorities in Delaware
The Delaware State Housing Authority is one of five housing authorities in the state. Each housing authority operates independently.