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Homeownership Production Programs
Homeownership Production and Preservation Grants
Delaware State Housing Authority’s (DSHA’s) Homeownership Production and Preservation Grants, which is Delaware’s housing trust fund, was created in 1968 for the purpose of providing affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing to very low-, low- and moderate-income households.
DSHA receives an annual appropriation of approximately $4 million from the Delaware legislature to support its housing programs. For fiscal year 2019, DSHA set-aside $1.5 million of the funding to support Homeownership Production and Preservation Grants for the new creation of affordable housing units and the preservation of owner-occupied housing units.
Strong Neighborhoods Housing Fund (SNHF)
This program supports the acquisition/rehab/redevelopment of vacant and dormant properties to create affordable homeownership. These revolving funds are targeted for efforts that support community development and/or transform neighborhoods that are experiencing challenges or other forms of stress, including high crime.
Funds for the Program will be disbursed through a competitive process, with preference given to:
- Acquisition: Purchase abandoned vacant, foreclosed or dormant homes and residential properties, in order to sell, rent or redevelop such homes and properties. The purchase of vacant parcels for the purpose of holding for future development will only be considered if it is part of an affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization development strategy that includes other eligible activities and should be re-built on the parcel within 5-7 years. Applicants with acquisition parcels within a 1-2 block area will be given priority in scoring.
- Land banking activities may only be included if the applicant (or partner) is considered a land bank in a Delaware Jurisdiction. Purchase, secure, and/or demolish abandoned vacant, foreclosed, or deteriorated homes and residential properties for the purpose of holding for future disposition as part of an affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization development strategy.
- Rehabilitation: Rehabilitate abandoned, vacant, foreclosed or deteriorated homes and residential properties, in order to sell, rent or redevelop such homes and properties. This includes properties currently owned or planning to acquire.*
- Financing: Provide funds for new construction, acquisition or rehabilitation activities, including bridge financing, construction financing, or mortgage affordability targeting.
- Demolition: Demolish deteriorated structures when part of a neighborhood revitalization development strategy that includes other eligible activities. No more than 25% of award can be used for demolition purposes.
- Redevelopment: Redevelop demolished or undeveloped properties; includes new construction on previously demolished sites.
- Neighborhood Community Support: Activities that support community planning, housing development planning, implementation of plans, and capacity building. Examples include: technical assistance/consulting to create community or housing plans; staffing costs directly related to supporting implementation of community plans and training costs for relevant staff (of lead Applicant or partners) in community development or housing development. Maximum amount allowed for this use under SNHF is $50,000.
* DSHA has elected to consider only voluntary acquisitions. Foreclosed properties that are not vacant will not be considered for acquisition under this program.