About the Council
The Council on Housing advises the Governor, Housing Director, and General Assembly by reviewing and recommending DSHA’s Housing Development Fund (HDF) allocations.
The Council is made up of 11 board members appointed by the Governor and meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
Agendas and minutes for all past meetings are archived in the Statewide Meetings Calendar. The Council on Housing is authorized by the Delaware Code, found in Title 31, Subchapter IV, §4040.
The Council comprises the following subcommittees: the Policy Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Loan Review Committee. Each subcommittee meets separately from the full Council to discuss topics of jurisdiction.
Contact Information
Council on Housing
℅ Delaware State Housing Authority
18 The Green, Dover DE 19901
Council on Housing Members

Douglas Motley

Connie H. Harrington

Dianne Casey

Barbara Cool

Christel Duff

Vandell Hampton, Jr.

Lillian Harrison

Francis Julian

Jamie Sayler

Amy Walls