Notice of Availability and Public Hearing Delaware Draft FY2024 Annual Action Plan

Ashley Meier
Posted By: Ashley Meier

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) announces the availability for public review and comments on the draft FY2024 Annual Action Plan.

The Annual Action Plan serves as the housing planning document of the State, and as an application for funding under the following U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Planning and Development programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA), and the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF).

The period for receipt of public comment on the draft FY2024 Annual Action Plan shall be from July 1, 2024, through July 31, 2024. Interested parties can also obtain reasonable access to records of State expenditures for housing during the preceding five years at DSHA’s Dover office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The draft FY2024 Annual Action Plan shall be available for public review on DSHA’s website at and hard copies are available upon request from [email protected] or 302-739-4263.

A Public Hearing will be held to obtain the views of interested citizens on housing and community development needs and comments on the draft Annual Action Plan. Both oral and written comments will be accepted and recorded at the hearing and a summary of the comments and DSHA’s response will be attached to the final Annual Action Plan submitted to HUD.

DSHA will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 1:00 PM at the Liberty Court Community Room, 1289 Walker Road, Bldg. CC, Dover, DE 19904. This meeting is open to the public to review the documents and answer questions.

Please submit all written comments to Alexander Modeas, Delaware State Housing Authority, 18 The Green, Dover, DE 19901, or via e-mail at [email protected] no later than 5:00 PM, July 31, 2024.

If you have a vision, hearing, or physical impairment that requires accommodation either in the reading of this notice or at the public hearing, DSHA will provide appropriate assistance. To schedule assistance, please call 302-739-4263, ext. 215 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. TTY/ASCII/VOICE/VCO users may utilize the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) by calling 800-676-3777.

Media inquiries

Community Relations Coordinator Deborah Whidden

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